coaching programme
Our online coaching programme is designed to empower parents, helping them to navigate difficulties experienced when raising children and dealing with cancer. The sessions provide parents with a deeper understanding, new skills, and way to connect with others who ‘get it’.
8 weeks x 90 minute sessions. We avoid school holidays, half term breaks etc for obvious reasons!
If you can’t commit to 8 weeks for some reason, we recommend waiting until you can.
UK residents only (at the moment).
Anyone who is a parent to children/young people under 18 years. It doesn’t matter if you are now cancer free as anxiety has a habit of lingering.
Click on ‘Register your interest’ which will take you to a form. Fill it in and submit it.
You’ll get a short phone call from our lead facilitator, who will chat through what your family needs are. You will then get sent a coaching kit which contains a workbook, and some other goodies. You will be sent the link to access the sessions, and a WhatsApp group.
We run two programmes concurrently.
The next programmes start:
Feb 4th 2025 Tues eve 7.30-9pm
Feb 7th 2025 Fri morning 10-11.30am
Future programmes will be held in April 2025.
We are asking that only one parent can participate in one group (so either the Tues or Fri).
The workbook and exercises that accompany the coaching can definitely be done together.
Coaching Programme Content
Self care & compassion
Acknowledging & validating feelings
Identifying your support networks
Understanding needs behind behaviours
Exploring being child-led
Parenting styles & communication
Healthy parenting relationship
Dealing with fears, worries & uncertainty
Family routings & household rules
Supporting children as carers
Recognising & managing stress